martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Colin Turnbull

Colin Turnbull was an enlgish man, born in London. His family was an upper class, with a lot of riches. He studied in the University of Oxford in England. He lived with his gay partner Joe Towles. They worked together for thirty year working in the resaerch from the african tribes. Later on Joe Towles died from aids. Turnbull studied philosophy, politics and music. After the world war 2 he studied anthropology, specialized in the African field. Turnbull got a big interest in the african tribes, after making a trip by motorcycle in East Africa, there was we he first saw the pygmies tribes. He had made many trips to africa with a total of 6 trips. After his first apperance to africa he retured again but this time working for Royal Anthropological Institute. He had been working for a lot of Universities, and museum. Turnbull had a lot of poscicion over the years becoming Assistant Curator of African Ethnology in the American Museum. He had also worked in Canada as a geologist in gold mine. He had written a lot of scripts for radio, and television. He also made documentary in many canadian television about his work with the pygmies tribes.Turnbull las poscition was in the George Washington University, were he taught writing, fieldwork, farming, and making music. He left the University 10 years after he died in 1994.

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