martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

What factors influence our perception

What are the external factors that influence our perception?
The external factors that influence our perception can be the people that are around us, and the enviroment in which we are located. This is one of the most common external factors that can change how you view things. The enviroment can influence a lot because for example if you are living in a very high enviroment, that you have all the things that you need, it is diffrent from the perception that a person that doesn't have nothing, and is doing the possible to get things. The people that are around us can influence a lot because, they may persuate you to do thing that you don't want to do. Like for example a person that likes to drink alcohol, and tries to persuate a person that hates it to drink it, it might change the perception by the person that doesn't like it.

What are the internal factors that influence our perception?
The internal factors that can influence our perception are the dreams, the amount of intelligence that each person have. Nobody have the same type of thinking, and that is why each people internally can have different thinking. The influence from the dreams change the perception because, if you have it in your brain, and you think every time that same thing, you start to see the difference. And the amount of intelligence can also influence your perception because if you are not as intelligence as other people it is logical that you don't like the same things. Like for example a person that has a lot of knowledge, and that they like math has a very different type of perception from a person that is not good at all from math.
5 things I feel positively:
-Soccer: I like it because I have passion for this sport.
-Eat food: I like to eat food, and it also helps me relax
-Hear music: I like because I can choose the music for the mood that I am.
-Sleep: I like to sleep because it helps me get energy, and it also helps me to relax.
-Watch TV: this is like a hobby, when I am not doing nothing I normally watch TV.
5 things I feel negatively:
-Foul: I don't like when people hit me or let me fall while I am playing.
-People starring: I don't like when people stare to me.
-Playing roughtly: I don't like when people play very rought while playing soccer.
-Eat to much: I hate when I eat more than I need, and then my stomach hearts a lot.
-People that don't know how to drive: I hate people that are bad to drive, and that they don't know when to respect the signs.

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