miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

Is perception reality?

Every people in the world have a different type of reality. So that means that people have different type of PERCEPTION in reality. The perception in reality is what makes a person unique. Many people have many ideas of their own, and that is why they have different point of view for the same event. One example that makes this real is like a person loves soccer, see soccer, play soccer, think every time about soccer, but another person maybe hates soccer because they say that it is rought, and bad. This is why the perception of the first person that lives soccer is not the same as the one who hates soccer. This means that yes! perception is reality in many type of way. People have different type of thinking, and they also have different type of knowlege. Another example is that a person may have the perception of loving math, but they are bad in it, As the different in a person who is really good in math, but they hated it. As you can see they have really different type of perception no matter if they are good or bad in it. Different think in many ways some can have the same idea but different tastes.

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