jueves, 2 de septiembre de 2010

Bambuti Pygmies

The bambuti tribe are from a region in Africa called Congo. There form of speaking comes from a Nilo Saharan phylum, but they have a lot of languages that they all understand. The bambuti tribe is one of the oldest from the region of Africa. The bambuti tribe is recognized for the small body they have. They are approximately 30,000 little people. The bambuti live in a community with groups, they have a house for every family unit. They ar every little people, and no scientist know why do their body are so small. This little people are also called hunter-gatherers, which means that they are always hunting to survive. They know many things, and they are specialized in forest. The bambuti didn't have any form of goverment. They also don't have any type of religios form, they sometimes said that the forest was their god, because it gave things to them. Collin Turnbull was a famous person from his time. He investigated the bambuti tribe, and their form of knowledge. What Collin Turnbull did was that he observed how the pygmies din't have the knowledge of what they see. He made an experiment with a bambuti pygmie, his experiment consisted on looking far away objects, the little pygmy thought that it was an ant, but really it was just a bull. When Collin Turnbull saw that this little pygmy thought that he thought it was an ant, he started to see that they didn't have the knowledge enought to know that far away object look smaller than what they really are. This study is important for the study of perception because, if you look a thing far away, is not the same as looking it closer, this was the experiment that Turnbull made with the bambuti tribe. The perception from the little people was not the same as the perception from the normal modern person.

1 comentario:

  1. But what do his observations tell us about visual perception? Things we thought were natural to everyone's perception actually have to be learned and environment and experience play a huge role.
