miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010


In this video you can see a series of event, that lead you up to the knowledge, of what it is called the memory. The memory is something important that every person needs to have a normal life. The memory is not only used to remember date of important events, names of people. Memory is used to remember things that you have seen or heard, even things that you don't remember you have seen. All this events are recorded in you brain. There are different type of memory that your brain contains like: explicit memory, feature memory, autobiographical memory. In this video you learn how people have seen things and had put it into their memory. When you are a small children, your memory is not very good, but still you can remember now some drastic events or important events that may have occur during your first years. There are many things that can change the memory path, this can be by medical issues. Some psychological doctors give to their patient pills that can make their memory change. Some people after certain age they loose the sense of memory, this normally occurs to the old people. People after the age of 60-70 start losing their sense of memory.

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