domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Placebo Effect

The placebo effect is like a simulated medical improvement in health that does not attribute to any real surgery or medication. This means that it is a lie or a sham, this is something that doctor made to patients being just how the consumer's belief that it will work. H. K. Beecher's discovered the placebo effect. He made a study and discovered that the 35% of approximately 1,082 patients. The research was effective because the studied patients revealed that most of the patient that had the conditions like pain, depression, heart ailments were one of the most successfull
one's to determine. In Beecher's studies they analyzed that people that drank pill containing no active ingredients improved their own situation just by thinking that the pills were doing something to there body.
But these type of studies had problems, Kiene and Kienle determined that no evidence of the placebo effect was cited by him, this was ment to say that the placebo effect is just some false impressions, and that the patients were clinically
improved do to Spontaneous improvement, etc. Based in what I have learned on placebo effect and the studies of H.K. Beecher, I learned that people can be just psychological cured by just thinking that they are going to be alright. In this studies we could see that people tend to improve their own health by false testimonies or pills that have no active ingredients. I think that the placebo effect is a effective type of curing the health of people by not using any type of medications. This means that this test was all true, and that people by just thinking can improve their own medical treatment.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Gender and Cultural differences

The psychologists Agneta Herlitz and Jenny Rehnman were asking themselves is the gender influence the ability to remember things in everyday bases. With some experiments they made, it said that the women had a favoring side, and this is because of episodic memory, and a type of long term memory. In their investigations it said that women were better in verbal episodic memory, and man only remembered the symbols, or nonlinguistic information. In conclusion and observation of their experiment they have discovered that the women are better looking for eye expression, and they form of recognizing things. Many other psychologist also say that people vary in difference according to memory, but they said that the cultural differences also vary. They had made many investigation asking people what are the first memory they have made, and the cultural differences can be seen. They said that people from the United States would have a much earlier memory, than the asian culture.

martes, 2 de noviembre de 2010

Alzheimer's Disease

This picture is a comic that represents an old man with Alzheimer's disease.
In this picture you can see the brain of a person, and where does the Alzheimer's disease affects.
This picture you can see the difference between a normal brain, and a old person brain with Alzheimer's disease

The alzheimer's disease is some type of of disorder that commonly affect the old peole. This disease affect people in a daily life operations.Usually the alzheimer disease starts at aproximately at the age of 60, as you get older this disease affect more parts of the brain then when it started. I have learned that many of the people that get this disease are old people, but the people that live with them like the family are also affected in a big way. Unfortunately I learned that people who have this disease don't have any cure to stop this disease from making an expansion. Some of the symptoms that come at the bigging of this disease is the difficulty to remember new thing. His language starts to change, because of the loss of words that come up to his brain. When the disease is more andvanced the person start losing the capacity of remembering family, and don't recognize them at all. As I learned more about this disease, I kept understanding that this disease is something in your brain that over time when you are getting older, and you get this disease one of the most fundamental things that you do is the confusion between things. When old people has this disease, they can no longer be a normal person, because they can't do the same things as they do before like for example drive. For an old man with Alzheimer's disease cannot drive because is to much danger for him, and the people that is around. People with this disease keep forgetting things they knew in the past, or they have just learned.